Biography &CV

Born Nassiriya ,Iraq, .BA Painting {Honours},Institute of Fine Art{Baghdad}Iraq, [IFA] ,1978. Heid the post of Art Inspector and Art consultant,Ministry of Education ,Iraq, 1978-92 Lived and taught art in the South of Iraq, 1978-81. Awards; 1st Prize for Youth ,Baghdad, 1983 Honorary Award and 2nd Prize Al-Wassity Festival,Baghdad, 1983-5 Gold Medal ,UIA, Honorary Award ,Cinema and Theatre.Memberships .UIA, IAA/ AIAP [UNESCO] and SIPA. Has Lived in London since 1999.

Selected Solo Exhibitions    
2001- Hackney College, London
1998 - Nike Gellery, the Netherlands
1997 - Orient, Der al-Mashriq, Amman,Jordan
1976 - IFA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2003 - Exhibitions of Hope: Iarqi Art ,ayagallery, London
Group Exhibition , Germany
1997 - Joint Show with Raghad Abdul Razzaq ,Paris
1992 - Mahras festival , Tunisia, Contemporery Iraqi Art,
Gallery Alia, Amman
1991 - Contmporary Iraqi Art , Cyprus
1990 - Sharja Biennial
1981 -
83-85 - Al- Wasiti Festival, Nmma
1980 - Youth Biennial ,Darat al- Funun, Amman,Jordan
1980-6 - Can-sur-Mer Festival, Franse
